Neoponic the DIY Aeroponic System

Aeroponic systems are available from various manufacturers, what they have in common is the high prices… Build your own aeroponic system with less than 350€

Do it yourself
and stay independent

Egal zu welcher Tages- oder Nachtzeit: Wir sind für Sie da. Wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen, stehen Hunderte für Sie bereit.

Simple assembly and precise instructions

Jede unserer Pflanzen lässt sich leicht pflegen. Außerdem bieten wir Schnelligkeit, Fachwissen und erstklassigen Kundenservice! Sie können auf uns zählen!

Built from standard components

Unsere Pflanzen liefern wir mit modernster Ausrüstung aus, was ihnen und Ihnen den Stress nimmt.


Why the Neoponic System?

Aeroponics is an innovative method of plant cultivation in which plants are kept in the air and the roots are supplied with a fine mist of water and nutrients. This method offers some significant advantages over conventional cultivation methods (such as soil cultivation or hydroponics).

Efficient nutrient

This is a feature block that you can use to highlight features.

Water saving

This is a feature block that you can use to highlight features.

Higher yield

This is a feature block that you can use to highlight features.

Clean solution

This is a feature block that you can use to highlight features.


This is a feature block that you can use to highlight features.

faster growth

This is a feature block that you can use to highlight features.

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